
Notes: Database is much bigger than expected


A database with a very big size, does not have the number of documents (and/or attachments) that would justify it.

Possible cause:

Deletion stubs. When documents are deleted they are stored internally for a x number of days (depends on the database configuration), therefore they still occupy disk space. If the database has frequent deletion operations on a large number of documents, this can easily add up to it's size.


How to remove the deletion stubs immediately? Follow this steps:

  1.  go to the Replication Options of that database
  2. select the Space Savers Tab and on the first option * ("Remove documents not modified in the last [x] days" replace the number displayed (usually 90) by 0.  WARNING: do NOT select the checkbox before this option!!!
  3. enter the database, exit and go back to the Replication Options and set that option back to the number of days it had before
  4. compact the database.

The deletion stubs will have been deleted and, after compacting, the database's size should diminish visibly.

For more information see the IBM's Technote nÂș technote 1095683.

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