Function ReplaceSubstring(sourcestr As String, fromstr As String, tostr As String)
As String
' This function replaces characters in a string. Take all the occurrences of "fromstr"
' in the source string and replace them with "tostr"
Dim tempstr As String
Dim convstr As String
Dim i As Long
Dim length As Long
tempstr = sourcestr
If Len(fromstr) = 0 Then
ReplaceSubstring = sourcestr
Exit Function
End If
If Instr(tostr, fromstr) <> 0 Then
' If, for example, "\" is being replaced with "\\"
' Find a character (or set) that is not in the source string.
' Try the extended characters (over 128 ASCII)
i = 128
length = 1
convstr = ""
While convstr = ""
If Instr(tempstr, String$(length, Chr$(i))) = 0 Then convstr = String$(length, Chr$(i))
i = i + 1
If i = 256 Then
' If all the extended characters were in there
length = length + 1
' Start over, but try 2 extended characters (or 3 or 4)
i = 128
End If
' Go through tempstr twice - once replacing fromstr with the computed
' string, then replacing the computed string with tostr
While Instr(tempstr, fromstr) <> 0
tempstr = Left(tempstr, Instr(tempstr, fromstr)-1) & convstr _
& Mid(tempstr, Instr(tempstr, fromstr)+Len(fromstr))
While Instr(tempstr, convstr) <> 0
tempstr = Left(tempstr, Instr(tempstr, convstr)-1) & tostr _
& Mid(tempstr, Instr(tempstr, convstr)+Len(convstr))
' It's a normal replace substring call - fromstr is not part of tostr
While Instr(tempstr, fromstr) <> 0
tempstr = Left(tempstr, Instr(tempstr, fromstr)-1) & tostr _
& Mid(tempstr, Instr(tempstr, fromstr)+Len(fromstr))
End If
ReplaceSubstring = tempstr
End Function