
Notes: After logout, authentication is no longer possible


User presses the login button/link, inserts username and password and gets authenticated. Later he presses the logout button/link, and he is successfully logged out. If he tries to login again, he's unable to because the authentication form is never presented again (unless he closes the browser window and re-opens it).

Possible Solution:

In case the login link is like this:

top.location.href = "/database_path?OpenDatabase&Login">

change it to:

top.location.href = "/database_path?Login&redirectTo=database_path?OpenDatabase">


Domino: Session Authentication via Lotus Script

Or how to login on the web via a notes agent:

Print "<HTML>"
Print "<BODY TEXT=""FFFFFF"" BGCOLOR=""FFFFFF"" onLoad=""document.forms[0].submit()"">"
Print "<FORM METHOD=post ACTION=""/names.nsf?Login"" NAME=""_AlfaLogin"">"
Print "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"">"
Print "<HTML>"
Print "<INPUT NAME=""Username"" VALUE=""" + sUsername + """ TYPE=hidden maxlength=256>"
Print "<INPUT NAME=""Password"" VALUE=""" + sPassword + """ TYPE=hidden maxlength=500>"
Print "<INPUT NAME=""RedirectTo"" VALUE=" + sRedirectTo + " type=hidden>"
Print "</HTML>"
Print "</FORM>"
Print "</BODY>"
Print "</HTML>"


Notes: View doesn't refresh

  • permanently shows the Refresh Icon
  • the "NoCache" parameter on the dblookup "doesn't work"
  • the view.Refresh statement doesn't refresh the view


The view probably uses @Now or @Today formulas in the Selection Formula or in a column, which prevents the view's index to be updated (it's always out-of-date as these formulas force the calculation to go to the minute:second detail).


Use this formula instead: @TextToTime("Today") - it calculates only to the year-month-day so that the index only updates once a day.