
Notes client: action bar properties are not rendered in the client

If the display border property of a view or form action bar is set to Always but it doesn't show when viewed in the client, check under File -> Preferences -> User Preferences -> Additional Options and make sure the option "Standard dialog boxes" is not checked.

Windows: Usb Hub is not recognized ("Unknown device")

If Windows XP does not recognize a Usb hub, and categorizes it as an "Unknown Device" even after updating the drivers, unplug the electrical cord from the hub and try again.


Notes: Bubble Sorting a Document Collection

«Searching a database using db.ftsearch is pretty fast and efficient but ordering based on a field value in the documents is not possible. What is required is something akin to a SQL ORDER BY clause but alas we don't have one and have to resort to sorting the collection the old fashioned way... by implementing a bubble sort.


Dim vCollection As NotesDocumentCollection Set vCollection = vSearchDatabase.ftsearch(aQuery, 501, FT_SCORES, FT_FUZZY) Set vCollection = Global_SortCollection(vCollection, "Person_Surname")

The sort function requires two parameters, the first a NotesDocumentCollection with documents in it and the second a field name to use to sort the documents, in the example above the documentcollection "vCollection" will be sorted by "Person_Surname".

The function works by converting the document collection into an array of documents, doing a bubble sort on the array and then converting the array back into a new document collection.

The Code

Function Global_SortCollection(aCollection As NotesDocumentCollection, aField As String) As Variant Dim vCollectionDB As NotesDatabase Dim vDocTemp As NotesDocument Dim vCollectionSorted As NotesDocumentCollection Dim vDocArray() As String Dim vLower As Integer Dim vUpper As Integer Dim vBottomMax As Integer Dim vLoop As Integer Dim vLoopTopHalf As Integer Dim vLoopBottomHalf As Integer Dim vMidPoint As Integer Dim vTarget As String Set vCollectionDB = aCollection.Parent Redim vDocArray(aCollection.count-1) As String 'CONVERT DOCUMENT COLLECTION TO ARRAY Let vLoop = 0 Set vDocTemp = aCollection.GetFirstDocument Do While Not vDocTemp Is Nothing vDocArray(vLoop) = vDocTemp.GetItemValue(aField)(0) + "~" + vDocTemp.UniversalID Set vDocTemp = aCollection.GetNextDocument(vDocTemp) vLoop = vLoop + 1 Loop 'SHELL SORT THE ARRAY vLower = Lbound( vDocArray( ) ) vUpper = Ubound( vDocArray( ) ) vMidPoint = 1 'DETERMINE A STARTING MID POINT TO THE ARRRAY Do vMidPoint = (3*vMidPoint) + 1 Loop Until vMidPoint > vUpper - vLower + 1 'LOOP THROUGH THE ARRAY Do vMidPoint = vMidPoint \ 3 vBottomMax = vLower + vMidPoint - 1 For vLoopTopHalf = vBottomMax + 1 To vUpper vTarget = vDocArray(vLoopTopHalf) vLoopBottomHalf = vLoopTopHalf 'COMPARE TOP HALF OF ARRAY WITH BOTTOM HALF Do While vDocArray( vLoopBottomHalf - vMidPoint ) > vTarget vDocArray(vLoopBottomHalf) = vDocArray(vLoopBottomHalf - vMidPoint) vLoopBottomHalf = vLoopBottomHalf - vMidPoint If (vLoopBottomHalf <= vBottomMax) Then Exit Do Loop If (vLoopBottomHalf <> vLoopTopHalf) Then vDocArray(vLoopBottomHalf) = vTarget Next Loop Until vMidPoint = 1 'CREATE A NEW EMPTY DOC COLLECTION Set vCollectionSorted = vCollectionDB.Search("",Nothing,0) 'CONVERT ARRAY TO DOC COLLECTION For vLoop = 0 To Ubound(vDocArray) Set vDocTemp = vCollectionDB.GetDocumentByUNID(Strrightback(vDocArray(vLoop), "~")) Call vCollectionSorted.AddDocument(vDocTemp) Next vLoop 'RETURN THE DOCUMENT COLLECTION Set Global_SortCollection = vCollectionSorted End Function

A simple yet extremely useful function that belongs in everyone's global routines script library.»



Notes - Lotus Script: Resume without error


A script ends and returns the "Resume without error" message, even though no error was thrown during it's execution.
Checking the Error$ function, it may return the message "Variant does not contain a container".

Possible solution:

Include in the script the "Option Declare" statement, correct all errors (undeclared variables) and save it.