
Notes - Web: Alignment of Checkboxes on the Web

This can be done by adding some HTML around the checkbox field, like this:

<table cellspacing="0" cols="5" cellpadding="0" border="0" valign="top" rows="1"><tbody><tr><td><br />

Checkbox Field


Don't forget to mark this code as Pass-Thru HTML.

And now, on the checkbox field choices, this should be added to the end of the choice where the list should break to a new column:

</td><td valign="top">

Example of list:
apple | a
orange | or
strawberry [</td><td valign="top">] | s
pineapple | p
banana | b
other [</td><td valign="top">] | o


Notes - Web: select all javascript function for checkboxes (multivalue too)

function selectAll(fieldname, bFlag) {
  var checkField = document.forms[0].elements[fieldname];
  if (checkField.length)
     for (i=0; i<checkField.length; i++)
           if (checkField[i].checked)
               checkField[i].checked = bFlag;
  else if (checkField.checked)
       checkField.checked = bFlag;


Windows - ActiveX: ActiveX is enabled on IE but does not work

Other possible symptoms:

- unable to access MMC console (access rights message error, although having administrator rights) and/or unable to save a new one ("MMC cannot save the console");
- windows update not working or crashing the IE browser;
- msn messenger unable to connect.

Go to Start -> Run and write: regsvr32 MSXML3.dll and click OK.


Notes - client: hide-when for layers

To hide a layer in the notes client, select the layer's Anchor as it was text and use the text's hide-when tab on the properties dialog box to control the appearance and disappearance of the layer.


Notes - Client: View autoframe

The view autoframe property only works for the Web, but for the client there's the following workaround (undocumented feature and only works for the database default frameset):

. Create a Frameset with only one Frame and call this Frame NotesView and select any view;
. In the database default Frameset, open the previously created Frameset in one of it's frames.

Now, when opening a view (through a link, for example), the database will force the default frameset to open "around" the view.